Sheet become a totally blank sheet with absolutely nothing on it and is only showing "Loading audio samples" not loading.

• Jan 21, 2023 - 14:15

So basically it happened to me this morning and i'm quite disgusted as it is the first time i'm working on this and spent alot of time. Do you know how I can fix this ? I'm using Windows 10

Attachment Size
image.png 254.82 KB


In reply to by PaulMartine53

Hopefully someone who knows how to fix this will come along. In the mean time, I tried this:
Used 7-zip to extract the MS4 file,
In the elements folder are your separate horn and flute parts.
They open in MS3, not MS4.
In MS3, do a save as.
This produces a file that can be opened in MS4.
So now you have two files, horn and flute that you will need to C+P into a new score.
Good luck.

Attachment Size
F Horn 1 & 2.mscz 15.1 KB
Flute 1.mscz 16.15 KB

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