Formatting Help

• Feb 24, 2023 - 16:08

Hi - Can someone give me some info on this:

I have a 3 bars rest and I want a fall on a note to go over the empty bars or better yet, the fall to fill the bars like in pro arrangement (i've attached a screenshot).

I know you can press 'm' and it will remove multibar rests, but I still want the multibar rests elsewhere, and i dont want to change the minimum amount of bars rest thing, as i have 2 and 3 bar rests elsewhere which I still want to be multirests.

Also i want the beams on my entire chart to be changed. Theres a few instances where i have a quaver rest followed by 3 quavers which are all beamed together - i want a quaver on its own followed by the other 2 beamed together, i want this to happen every time i type it in, without having to do it manually? Is this possible?


To set a measure to not break multimeasure rests, right-click and go to Measure properties, where you will find that option.

Right now the automatic beaming options aren't sophisticated enough to differentiate your case from four eighth notes. Best I can advise is to define a keyboard shortcut for the break beam command (edit / preferences / shortcuts ) to simplify that operation.

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