Musescore version 4 playback on Windows 10.

• Feb 26, 2023 - 03:57

I use Microsoft Windows 10, and made the mistake of downloading and installing the Muse Hub along with the new version 4.0.0 The terrible playback led me to realise the mistake so I deleted Musescore 4 and the hub, and reinstalled without the Muse Hub. I deleted the scores I had been playing and downloaded them from my backup, but the problems persist: irregular metronome beat and scratchy sounds on playback in particular. To compound it, every .mscz file on my computer is now in the new version, and even when opening them in Musescore 3 the faults persist.
When I export a score to a mp3 file it plays back ok.
I don't want to delete and reinstall all the musescore files on my pc. What do you suggest?
I am pro subscriber, ref ML05ZKVGS.


As long as you have MS4 on your PC, all MuseScore scores will have the MS4 icon. And you will have to go through the extra step of Right Click/Open With MS3 to open MS3 scores in MS3.

As for MS4 playback, try the settings here:

Possibly an audio interface, also.

You wrote:
To compound it, every .mscz file on my computer is now in the new version,...

That's not really true...
You have Microsoft Windows. When you installed MuseScore4 it became the new default app for opening .mscz (MuseScore format) files. The icon at the beginning of the file name got changed to the MS4 purple square.
For example:
(MS3 was a blue circle) Your files remained as MS3 versions but are now opened automatically with MS4.

If you want MuseScore3 to open all .mscz files as the default app, right click a .mscz file and change the "Opens with" parameter from MuseScore 4 to MuseScore 3.
The result is that MuseScore 3 will now open all MuseScore .mscz files. [Note that the .txt file icon (for a text file) remained unchanged.]

Here's the IMPORTANT part (after making MS3 the default app for .mscz files):
If you have overwritten any of your MuseScore 3 files by opening and then saving with MuseScore 4, they will no longer (directly) open in MuseScore 3. Put them in a separate folder and open them in MS4 by right click > Open with > Choose another app. This way you can use MS4 for those relatively few MS4 files while MS3 opens as default for the bulk of your files - which still remain MS3. Be sure to keep MS3 files in their own folder - especially if you still want to play with MS4 as it evolves. If you do decide to open a MS3 file with MS4 (by right click > Open with) be sure to save it into the MS4 folder if you don't want the version 3 file overwritten and mixed in as a MS4 file with all your other MS3 files.

BTW: The files you attached were saved in MS4. Here they are back to MS3 version if you wish to open (and then save) in MuseScore 3:
Bring Me Sunshine MS3.mscz

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