Prima and Seconda volta in Musescore 4

• Mar 6, 2023 - 16:38

When I add repeat to the score (play count 3 in my case), the Prima/Seconda/Terza volta markings within that section work on playback (and MIDI save) as expected EXCEPT for the first bar of the repeat. The first bar gets played regardless, while the intent is to have the first bar of the repeat to play in a certain way on the first and third runs, and on another way on the second run. The 2nd bar, i.e. the one with Seconda volta, of the repeat plays correctly on first and third runs - i.e. gets skipped - but both 1st and 2nd bar get played on the second run. Am I wrong somehow or is Musescore 4?


In reply to by HildeK

The repeat bar deletion kind of works. But when there are bars BEFORE that repeat begin marker (which I erased from the sample), the repeat now jumps there. So kind of not-working solution.

About the "interesting usage": I use Musescore as the Ultimate Tab/Notes Scripting Tool, and I often need to get creative in order to squeeze everything into 2 A4 pages max.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

"Volta" is "Time", and in this context e.g. "secunda volta" translates directly to "the second time", not "at the second ending". Can you provide link to some music notation narrative that states voltas are to be used only as endings? Furthermore, if such music notation constraint exists, then those player detectable in-between-repeat voltas are essentially a bug, no? Or if they're more like a Musescore offered benefit, then why couldn't the benefit also be extended to the first bar of the repeat?

For the intended use, I can simply move the problematic bars to the end of the repeat, where they'll conflict neither with theory nor practice. It'll cost just one or two extra bars, plus the slight distraction that chorus section begin gets to be at the end of the repeat.

If this still is a mismatch between implementation and "theoretical" music notation, then mentioning it here might be useful.

In reply to by purppurata

One piece of documentation is
And other is Elaine Gould's "Behind bars", page 236:

First- and second-time endings
These may be indicated in English or Italian: first time or prima volta; second
time or seconda volta; and final time or ultima volta.
Any variation at all between repeat endings, however small (e.g. a pause on
the final ending), requires separate endings in the form of first- and second—
time bars.

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