Very poor instrumental sound, then no instrumental sound.

• Apr 13, 2023 - 15:04

I have been considering changing from Sibelius Artist, and downloaded MuseScore4 to try.
I managed to start writing a MuseScore SATB choral score and produced a few bars.
I'm using Windows 11 and playing back through a Focusrite interface.
The sound was stuttering. Also I think I was getting a very primitive MIDI version of Soprano voice. This may be due to my interface needing a sample rate different to Sibelius. What rate should I use?
I switched the sound used to Flute, which was better, but could do with a bit of 'Air' or reverb.
I thought I ought to look at Soundfonts and related matters, but the video tutorials for some reason, Youtube didn't let me.
The score has completely frozen now.
I apologise if this is the wrong heading to ask
Shenandoah.mscz .


As with Sibelius, there are things that need to be adjusted. Take a look here:
It might be enough just raising the buffer in MuseScore. But you might have to lower the bit rate in your Focusrite, also. How much depends on what sounds the best. Don't forget to uncheck Exclusive mode.

Good luck.

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