Cant see 3.62 scores in 4.02

• Apr 15, 2023 - 02:44

Opening MS 4.02 for the 1st time. "Open" does not see any of my 3.62 scores! Help.
Mac ver 15.7
Experience has shown that I need specific directions. Sorry... Just a musician.


sually from MU4 File/Open you can go back to the folder where 3.6.2 saved your scores. You can also launch MU4 and drag the score from the 3.5.2 folder onto its window.

In reply to by peterein

Unfortunately, I do not know the MAC operating system.
In Windows there is a general "Documents" folder where your private files and folders are organized.
I'm sure MAC has a similar organization for where your personal files are stored.

MuseScore creates a separate subfolder in this Documents folder for each major version, named MuseScore3 or MuseScore4. Here you will find more subfolders, one named 'Scores'. The files you are looking for are stored there.

Perhaps someone who has experience with the MAC can provide more specific information.

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