How can I see only the Muse Sounds instruments

• Jul 19, 2023 - 03:19

In the "Add instrument" window i want to see all the Muse Sounds instruments available but I can't find a filter for this.


You mean you want to add an instrument your score, but only see the list of instruments for which there is also a sound available in Muse Sounds? There is no way to do that. but you can simply go to the mixer if you're curious to know what sounds are available in Muse Sounds.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, that is what I'm trying to do.

Looking at the mixer sound is a good way to see all of the available Muse Sounds instruments, but this keeps all of the staff's current properties.
If I want the correct instrument staff, I would still have to go to the Add Instruments tab and select the desired instrument. The problem is if I want 6 instruments, I would have to, each time, look on the mixer, find the instrument I want, go back to Add Instruments, and look for it there. All of this 6 times.
Even then, there are a couple of instruments that have a different name from the one on the mixer, like Toms and Snare Drum, which are Concert Toms and Concert Snare Drum.

Not to mention that all of this is unnecessarily troublesome.

If I want only instruments from Muse Sound or, in the future, I import some third-party instruments (as it seems will be a possibility), I should be able to filter the instruments by source (Default Sounds, Muse Sounds, Some Third-Party Sounds, etc).
Otherwise, I can end up with many versions of the same instrument and have to add them all to tell them apart and delete the wrong ones.

In reply to by Thiago.Morais

Indeed, I'm not suggesting actually usiung the Mixer to select sounds for your score - just a way for you to learn which instruments actually have corresponding Muse Sounds, since you seem curious about that. The set of sounds is pretty much "stand orchestral instruments, plus a small handful of less common ones like contrabass flute". So no need to keep looking at the Mixer over and over - I mean do it once or twice to familiarize yourself with what there, then move on. or just write out the list on a piece of paper to refer to later.

Maybe a better question is, why should it matter? Normally you'd want to write for whatever you want to write for, then find the best sound for it, whether Muse Sounds or something else. I'm not understanding why you'd absolutely need to know if there is a Muse Sounds version available before choosing an instrument.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Oh, that was just for the playback.
I just think Muse Sounds have better-sounding instruments.
I wanted to familiarize myself with Muse Sounds' percussion and wanted to listen to the percussion sounds I didn't know.
But I could only listen to them all if I added all.
Therefore I wanted a filter for the instrument source.
Purely for playback.

Changing the sound in the mixer wasn't very helpful because it keeps the staff's current properties and some percussion uses different staff properties.
I ended up making a print of the mixer and searching all of the instruments one by one, but the "Source Filter" should be a feature.

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