Drag 3 accidentals to key signature results only in 2

• Jul 22, 2023 - 10:06


I'm a newbie both with MuseScore and with the instrument itself. I would like to have these three acccidentals

in the key signature.

When I drag them, it results only in two:

Why is that? Thanks.

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In reply to by rothers

To expand on that:

Key signatures in the palette are displayed as concert pitch. When added to the score they are automatically shown as transposed if relevant for the instrument (as in this case) unless the score is being displayed at concert pitch. So a three flats key concert pitch signature will be shown as 2 flats for a transposing instrument in F or 1 flat for a transposing instrument in Bb etc.

Also note that if you select a key signature in the score you can replace it by clicking on another signature in the palette. This is usually easier than trying to find just the right spot to drop a key signature that you have dragged.

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