Accidentals Not Rendering in Chord Symbols

• Aug 7, 2023 - 02:08


I'm using MuseScore 4.1.1 to open files that I created at various times since 2015. After I open the files, I close the files and am asked to save the file in a location, as if the file were brand new. When asked to save the file, I replace the existing file. I'm accustomed to MuseScore asking me to do this process when I open files that were created with an older version of MuseScore. However, when I open the file again, after having saved and replaced the older file, accidentals in chord symbols are not rendering as accidentals. For example, flat symbols are rendering as 266d. When I try to manually edit the chord symbol, the flat symbol appears while I'm typing, but I once hit the enter key, the chord symbol renders 266d, instead of a flat symbol.

Can anyone help me solve this issue? Currently, my only workaround is to create a new document, copy and paste everything that I can except for the chord symbols and manually recreate the document, which is not a practical workaround. Please help.


BTW, the reason you are asked to save is that upon import of these older scores, MuseScore needs to update some settings and adjust some things. Saving it will prevent it from needing to do that over and over. It's up to you whether or not to keep the original file or not

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