D.S. al fine does not include repetitions (MS 4.1.1)

• Nov 21, 2023 - 18:17

I have a score which contains repetitions (double left bars and double right bars). In the first pass, the repetitions work as expected.
Then I have "D.S. al fine". When the score goes back to "S" for a second pass, it plays from S but ignoring all the repetitions marked with the double bars.

Is this supposed to happen?


In reply to by cheskote

It doesn't work because you have no Fine. Add a Fine to the final bar and it should work.

However, it is still not very clear as it is unusual for a player to encounter a DS twice - should they do the DS twice?

I would avoid that by making the last bars part of a coda. I would use a DS al Coda with play repeats enabled and edited to read "DS al Coda (con rep.)". I would copy bars 22 and 23 and insert them before the current bar 24, add a To Coda in bar at the end of bar 23 and add a Coda marker at the new bar 24. As the Coda is the last part of the score, no Fine is needed. The end would look like this.


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