Shift mismatched lyrics and notes?

• Dec 18, 2023 - 04:24

Hi! I am a new user of musescore. I downloaded a score that I wanted to edit. Specifically, I wanted to tweak some notes and rearrange/add some verses. I was able to do that. But I discovered that halfway through the piece, the lyrics "skip" a note and thus become mismatched to the wrong notes for the remainder of the piece. Is there a way to "shift" all 8 lyrical verses over by one note? Or otherwise rematch the notes/lyrics? Right now, with only my basic understanding of musescore, the only way I see how to fix it is to delete/retype the second-half of the lyrics for 8 verses. (I have no idea how this happened in the first place. Perhaps it was a problem with the original score that I downloaded.)

I have attached the score I am working with. The problem appears to begin with measure 10, where the lyrics in all 8 verses skip over the three-quarter note.

Thank you in advance for your help. I did consult the tutorial, forum, and internet for solutions, but I didn't find anything. It may be that I do not know what to search for to find a solution that is out there.


In reply to by underquark

Thanks for taking a look at this. Once you get the hang of it, typing out the lyrics goes quick enough. I have a follow up question, if you might oblige me. In the attached score, the piece is condense to three lines of measures. Is there an easy way to "bump" this to four lines of measures? So, perhaps, a line of 4, line of 4, line of 6, line of 5? (ignoring the pick up notes)?

For future reference:

In many cases like this, you can cut and paste the lyrics. Select them lyrics you want to move (eg, click the first, Shift+click the last), Ctrl+X to cut, select the destination, then Ctrl+V to paste. However, it can be tricky in the presence of melisma, where it might not turn out to be as simple as the off-by-one it appears to be at first. Multiple verses can complicate things as well. You might also try the Lilypond Lyrics plugin (preinstalled), which provides a rudimentary lyrics editor.

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