4.2 crashes and is unusable for me

• Dec 21, 2023 - 02:52

i never had any of the previous version crash ever. But in this version, when I create a score from the template i've been using for months, and do a select all or change the key sig or almost anything, it just crashes.

In addition to taking a look at this, can someone please tell me how to download the previous installer?


Attachment Size
default guitar tab template.mscz 20 KB


there's some incompatibility in templates between the previous version and 4.2. I recreated my default template from scratch using 4.2 and so far, it is not crashing anymore.

I can confirm the crash - please report this to the developers by opening an issue on GitHub (https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues). ZIP and attach the score, and be precise about the steps to reproduce:

  1. save score to Termplates folder
  2. create new score from this template
  3. Select all

Meanwhile, though, while I don't know the cause of the crash, it's simple to work around. Just delete the notes and resave (Cmd+A, Delete, Save).

Older versions can be downloaded form the main download page on this site, but definitely not
recommended - the new guitar features are worth it, and the solution here is simple.

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