Helper Status Not Running/Connected & Score Crashes

• Dec 21, 2023 - 06:53

I have been using Musecore & MuseHub for a while now, but for some odd reason in Musehub, all my muse sounds are uninstalled and when I try to re-install them, a message pops up saying the muse background service is not running. So when I try to press the connect button next to the Helper Status (not sure if they're the same thing or connected) It won't do anything, it'll just stay there. On top of that, whenever I try to open up a score, it is very laggy and crashes my whole program. Note, this hasn't happened before, everything worked perfectly and this just sort of came out of no where. Any help is appreciated!


Note - I have tried to run the program as administrator and uninstalled, reinstalled the program, and even searched up videos to see if anyone had the same issue but found nothing.. Nothing seems to be working

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