What does the "insert one bar before selection" icon in the Layout Palette ?

• Dec 26, 2023 - 14:21

There is that icon in the Layout Palette
insert one bar before selection.png

I can't understand what it does. It adds that little bar-like mark on the score. With some properties.

I couldn't find this in the handbook.


It doesn't (and does) work for me. My palette looks like Jojo's but the "insert bar" button does the same thing as the "staff type change" button (neither of which I knew about before!)

But if you click "More" or ("Mehr"?) there is another "insert bar" icon which does work as expected.

So in the layout palette there are two identical icons - one works properly and the other does "Staff type change".

I'll start an issue since it's the same for two of us. In the meantime you can just right click anywhere and insert bars (which is what I've always done till now)

Just noticed it's "insert measure" in the nightly, and "insert bar" in the release???

In reply to by GeoJenner

"but the "insert bar" button does the same thing as the "staff type change" button"

I've just noticed the same behavior. I also had two other icons in "More", and this one worked. I went to "Help" / Revert to Factory Settings, and everything went back to normal. "More" is empty, and the "insert measure" icon works perfectly now - see GIF below (palette display by default and behavior after resetting).

I suppose resetting only the palette concerned, via the three dots "..." on the right, should suffice?


When you say "fresh install", do you mean, a system that never previously had any version of MuseScore installed on it at any time? Or is it possible there were preferences leftover from some previous installation on this system? What OS, and how did you install it?

In reply to by parkingb

Well, the customizations are carried forward, so it could have been in any previous release. And also, the mere fact of making any customization causes your entire customized workspace to be saved, so it's just a different set of things than what happens in a fresh install. I also have customizations to other palettes but didn't see this glitch on the 4.2 update. So there has to be something quite specific about how/when you made your customizations that led to the problem. Could be the issue was with the version of the program you were using when you made the customizations, that it saved the customized palette incorrectly. Or it could be you had imported a custom palette from an incompatible version. Hard to say, really. I guess we'll see if more reports appear and a trend emerges.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Pretty sure, I've never customized that Palette. Actually, I'm not using MU4.x (I'm still on MU3.7).

I'm opening MU4 only from time to time, to check if what is blocking me from using MU4.x is solved.
This time, I wanted to check an assertion that Tantacrul made on GitHub (before censoring some comments and locking some PluginAPI-related issues) that "1 year has passed and we've included a swathe of improvements since." This aroused my curiosity...

In reply to by parkingb

Whether you are actively using MuseScore 4 or not is beside the point, it's whether you ever installed previous versions, and if so, what customizations you made while testing.

And yes, it's definitely true that lots and lots of improvements have been made in the past year, just check the release notes for the updates over the past year. But, if it's something related to the plugin framework that is forcing you to limit yourself to MU3, unfortunately no real changes there, since it's awaiting a very long overdue more significant redesign.

In reply to by parkingb

Regarding the plugin framework, not sure what vague information you've seen, but I'm reporting what is public knowledge from the pretty clear and direct statements I've seen here, on Discord, and on GitHub - no special inside information.

As for customization - no, customizations made in MU3 won't ever affect MU4 or vice versa. But remember, even something as simple as adding a palette (like, say, Guitar) counts as customization and causes your workspace to be saved.

In reply to by parkingb

Definitely, if you are able to find precise steps to reproduce the problem, it is worth updating the existing bug report that was already filed with those precise steps. Of course, it's about equally likely that the bug was actually in the older version not writing the custom workspace file correctly. And that bug may have been fixed long ago for all we know. But once precise steps to reproduce the problem are found, an investigation can begin.

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