Caesuras now lengthen previous note awkwardly

• Dec 28, 2023 - 06:48

Hey, pretty much what it says on the title. Caesuras are now (as of 4.2) lengthening the immediately preceding note which is ... not what a caesura is for lmao. Caesuras are for a pause after a note value is finished, fermatas are when you hold a note for longer than specified value (and optionally pause after). They currently do the same thing in Musescore 4.2.

Is this deliberate or just a bug?


Oh I've also literally just noticed that tied notes keep playing quite a bit after they're meant to be finished over the top of other notes, which messes up some other note values (makes them play too short/out of time). They also do the opposite, and finish a few beats before they're meant to (especially longer ties over barlines)

This applies to MS Basic and MuseSounds (Flutes 1, 2 and Alto Flute is what I've noticed it on but there could be others)

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