Changing notehead scheme to show pitch names changes clef and octaves

• Jan 10, 2024 - 20:15

Hi I'm running into an annoying problem - when I click on a system in a piano part to enter pitch names into the noteheads , it changes the bass clef into treble clef, which puts the notes into uncomfortable territory in terms of octaves / ledger lines, even if I'm only clicking on the upper treble clef line (piano part). Why does this happen, and how can I correct it? I need to insert note names into the noteheads in order to facilitate my student's practice often and this is slowing me down. I'd like to do this for both clefs (right hand and left hand) but it gets laborious when this issue happens.

Pathway: Right click on staff line > Staff part properties > Advanced style properties > Notehead scheme > Pitch names


Worked for me just now. It appears that it won't do both staves at the same time. But you can range select each staff separately.
If not, please post a few pages of your score so we can take a look.

This works fne for me in my score, but probably there is something unusual about how yours it set up that is causing a problem. Please attach the actual score instead of just a picture so we can understand and assist better.

Note you can also set pitch name noteheads using the Properties panel, which has advantages and disadvantages compared to doing it via staff/part properties. Main advantage: control over which notes get this and which don't. Main disadvantage: if you add more notes later, you'll need to set this for them as well.

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