Measure Properties - Why two places?

• Jan 18, 2024 - 02:37

Thanks to those of you that helped me with the "Measure Count" dilemma in regards to Voltas. I get it now, but here's why I was having such an issue. OOP, doesn't work like this. When the Properties Panel is Active (F8) and one clicks on any object in the score including a measure its attributes become accessible with in the Properties Panel (F8). WHY THEN, DO MEASURES HAVE TWO PROPERTY PANELS? AND, the right-click values ARE NOT all contained in the F8 panel?????? IE., Measure Count?

This needs to be fixed. Ya'll brag about work flow and how everyone else's sucks, Well this a major "this sucks" thing in MS and should be fixed.

Have a great day!


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MS4 - Measure Properties.png 112.22 KB


Because there are always redundancies built in. You use the one that does what you want at the moment. I've used MuseScore for a while. I've never use the measure properties in the from the properties tab.

In reply to by bobjp

I'm clearly aware of redundancy, this ain't it. This is disconnection. This is not taking the time to get all the chores done. Redundancy is is the ability to use the F8 key or Right-click to bring up the Properties panel. ALL the attributes should then be in the one place. That improves work flow.

Good luck.

In reply to by ted.maciag

Except that ALL attributes can't be in one place. You want measure numbers to be included in Page Settings. Measure numbers have nothing to do with Page settings. Measure numbers have their on page of settings. There are at least 4 ways I know of to get the Page settings.

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