Custom shortcuts broken

• Mar 7, 2024 - 08:16

I wanna say this is an issue within the last two updates but it might have been present from the beginning of 4.0 (I updated from 3 a little late). If I change a shortcut, it just stops working at all until I return it to its default setting. The biggest offenders for me are the articulations, as I like to map them to ^ for marcatos, ! for accents, and _ for tenutos, leaving staccatos as shift+S. Upon making the switch, the toolbar articulation buttons will change their mouseover text to match my updated preference, but only staccato will work as a shortcut and the others need to be clicked until I revert them to their original settings. This also breaks my lyrics workflow as I reassigned melismas to ~ to allow _ for tenutos and that stops melismas from working until I reassign them to _.
(PC version on Windows 11)

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