How to create a natural overtone instrument like Alphorn with its proper tunings?

• Mar 11, 2024 - 13:59

Hello friends of sound!

I would like to score music for Alphorns and have them play back in their proper tunings.

I believe I can change the tuning of specific notes by the (tuning) cent. But can I make a collection of those as a preset somehow? Kind of like a key signature perhaps?

I want to be able to make and choose a preset instrument, maybe based on the french horn default, which plays from the 2nd to the 16th harmonic at the correct pitches (as shown in the attached image)?

Have any of you done anything similar? Maybe for microtonal scores?

Thanks in advance!

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Harmonic_series__music__-_Wikipedia.png 39.48 KB


Two things come to mind.

I checked out some alphorn sheet music and lessons. It looks to me like the sheet music avoids the naturally out of tune notes of the harmonic series. Or, as Baroque composers did, used them to play in minor for a few notes.

When I played a natural ( no valves ) trumpet. I had to "lip" those notes into tune.

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