Sound Input audio Issue

• Mar 31, 2024 - 05:14

I have had musescore for years now and I try to use it everyday. For the past few months there have been audio issues that I cannot find an answer to, so I'll just ask. It was one day when I opened up a score per usual, but it played at double the tempo, and the octave was like 5 times above what it should be, pretty much like a bunch of chipmunk instruments. After a while I figured out that my audio input has something to do with it, because when I switch it between all of my different inputs, it makes the score either extremely slow and low, fast and high, or normal but the sound quality is very compressed. The fast and slow was when I switched from the game audio (normal audio for hyper x clouds, which was super fast and high pitched) to my default audio. It became slow. Then I switched it to my chat audio. It was half the tempo. on my laptop speakers it sounds fine, but not the normal quality that is expected, very compressed and muffled.


MuseScore tends to not work properly if you change audio devices while it is open. If you need to change, close MuseScore first. Change, then re-open MuseScore.

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