Do the accents sound right?

• Apr 4, 2024 - 23:04

My first and most important question is: is it correct that after a sudden accent, the notes continue to sound in the dynamic range that was specified before the accent? Here is a simple video example: first there was a piano, then a crescendo to the sfz accent, and after that the volume drops to the initial piano. Is this correct? 00-57-53_1.ts On the one hand, the accents sfz, sff, fz, etc. act only on one note/chord, and on the other hand, there was a crescendo, but after that the sound became like a piano again.
And here's my second question. Do the accents in Musescore currently correspond to alphabetic characters in the way shown in the table below? Снимок экрана (210).png

Attachment Size
Снимок экрана (210).png 124.57 KB
00-57-53_1.ts 793.13 KB


Well, I am very sorry that no one can give an answer to the questions I have raised. It seems that this will remain a mystery.

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