Accidentals per note only

• May 14, 2024 - 00:29

I am making a worksheet, and I would like to avoid measure lines for readability, and to save space. I want the effect, as in some modern scores, where accidentals refer only to the note, and never carry over to the next chord. I can do this with courtesy accidentals, except that there seems to be no way to remove natural signs. And of course, I have to be meticulous to make sure I have a courtesy accidental for every necessary note!

I tried the plugin, but it doesn't seem to have an option to remove natural signs. I can put naturals on every note, but that is really cumbersome looking.

When I select similar, I get all the accidentals, not just the natural signs.


Thanks as always!!!


Not what you're asking, I know, but I would suggest that leaving out the measure lines makes the score MUCH harder to read.

It's a worksheet not a score.


I can select all the naturals now, but is there a way to hide them?

I would put in measure lines and hide them, but it requires too much horizontal space.... I can live with the naturals, but it looks a lot cleaner without.

Ultimately though, it would be nice to have a mode of accidentals only per note...

In reply to by woodslanding

If you don't know how to toggle invisibility in the program, you oughta spend time with the handbook or practice becoming more familiar with the software with checking the properties panel and the shortcut list in preferences. Basic concepts can be found via handbook like:

1) Search for "visibility" will take you to
2) All keyboard shortcuts
3)… 3rd from the list will manifest the default keyboard shortcut:


In reply to by woodslanding

If you have selected all natural accidentals, you can hide them with "v". They will remain light gray on the screen, but not in the PDF export. And you can hide them by deactivating the View -> Show invisible option. See the eighth notes in my picture.
However, you can also take a different approach. If you only use quarter notes for your demonstration sheet, select the time signature 1/4 and hide the bar lines. You will then have one chord with quarter notes per measure. And in each measure, the accidental of the previous bar is no longer valid, so the natural sign from Eb to E, for example, no longer appears on the next note.


In reply to by woodslanding

I appreciate all the solutions suggested below. As I mentioned, I didn't want to have individual measures, because it affects the spacing negatively. For me the best solution was one long measure, then use the accidentals plugin to put accidentals on every note. And then select all the naturals and hide them. That gave me exactly what I wanted. Thanks to everyone for contributing. All of the other suggestions will doubtless be useful in other situations!

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