
• Jun 7, 2024 - 10:12

A crash happens when I try to make the 13 (at bar 13) in this picture smaller.

The 13 is probably corrupted in some way. I placed it, changed the A into a number which was not the bar-number, and later changed it into the barnumber. Now it causes a crash as described above.

There is also a crash when I try to delete the tekst 'ruige rivieren'. Just noticed this. So there is more strange things in this file.

This is just to report this. I think a software developer would love to get this information.

Attachment Size
Problem.mscz 21.43 KB


Confirmed, but I don't see any corruptionn

Workaround: Press M twice and only then make that 13 smaller or delete that 'ruige rivieren'

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I assume it's related to this issue:
The one, already reported, that occurs when you want to restore (after reopening the file) the normal size for the MM rest figure.
And this one by collateral effect of the immediately adjacent measure. For example, the crash doesn't occur if 13 was a measure before (or if MM rest is deactivated).
So, as I understand it, it's not really a duplicate, but another scenario whose source of the problem is the same?

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