Tied note placed after repeat sign/D.S. Al Coda plays anyways

• Jul 10, 2024 - 18:37

I had been arranging a piece for violin, harp, and piano, and I wanted a note to be held on the second playthrough, so I tied the note and placed a repeat sign between the measures, and it held the note anyway, so I tried it with a D.S. Al Coda, with the same result. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but if it's not, could I get help doing what I wanted? Thanks.

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Great Fairy Fountain.mscz 38.45 KB


I see a Segno in measure 2 and a D.S. al Fine (there is no D.S. al Coda at all!) in measure 9, but no Fine, so where is that 'al Fine' supposed to jump to?

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