New Computer Build Recommendations

• Jul 29, 2024 - 21:48

Not sure if this is the correct forum for this question, but here goes:

My 8-year old desktop is starting to show signs of age, so I'm starting the planning process for a new build. One of the programs I'll need to run smoothly is (y'all guessed it) MuseScore. My current system is laggy running MuseScore4, especially with playback, which often clips/stutters. I've troubleshot the issues - and the tips I've read here on the forums have made things better if not perfect - but we're still talking about an obsolete system here, so time to upgrade!

While I realize that MuseScore will run on any new computer, I'm asking any Developers in the audience which sorts of hardware they would consider for a MuseScore-centric build of their own. A quick single-thread CPU or is multi-core the way to go? How about a minimum level of graphics card to handle my large classical score scrolling needs? Which audio chipset(s) works best for sound playback processing, or is that handled more by the CPU? Are there other considerations I'm not taking into account? Do my questions even make sense in terms of modern parts? I haven't researched hardware in about 8 years now, after all.

All input is appreciated, but I don't wish to buy a rig that would make my 13YO gamer son jealous! Just looking for a solid set of moderate hardware recommendations which I can then figure out how to "future proof" to get 8 years out of the new system. Also I run Linux Mint, so NVidia cards can be finicky to get working properly (apparently), but for the sake of my Windows brethren please recommend away!

Thanks in advance! I look forward to the replies!


Ken S.

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