Scoring flute, viola & piano: final tied note sounds a beat longer in viola part than any other part

• Sep 2, 2024 - 21:29

Scoring flute, viola & piano: final tied note sounds a beat longer in viola part than any other part. (This file is the final 4 bars of 74 measures.) I've gotten rid of all text, tempo markings, no invisibles. This has happened no matter what I've tried: trying half notes rather than dotted half notes, deleting and rescoring, etc.
Thanks for your help.
it's a real joy using MuseScore!!

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Untitled.mscz 9.04 KB


I think it could also be a case of the flute cutting off early. Something to do with the staff. I can put different sounds in the flute and viola staves. but whatever is in the flute staff ends before whatever is in the viola staff.

In reply to by bobjp

Thanks, bobjp, for looking at the issue.
You may have noticed that the vertical blue beat bar of the program actually beats the final beat as eighth notes. Hhhmmm... I wonder why? I've deleted the last measure, I've replaced the last measure, I've inserted a measure and it just continues to happening...
Oh, well, for now...

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