• Sep 6, 2024 - 02:48

How do you turn an audio file(mp3) into a pdf file? Do I have to buy something or can I do it for free somewhere?


Is the mp3 file one you created from a MuS file? Or one you obtained elsewhere and want to notate?

If the former, simply take the MuS file and separately export to .MP3 and to .PDF.

If the latter, you'll have to use some kind of converter. There aren't any that do a very good job. (I haven't tried Copilot that yonah_ag suggests but I'm skeptical that it will work any better than any of the others.) The best way to do it remains Human Ear, v.1.0. It's an extremely difficult problem and, as far as I've seen, has not been solved for any but the very simplest of melodies, recorded with very simple instrumentation.

Nonetheless, search the web as yonah_ag suggested. Perhaps you'll find something that will work sufficiently well for your needs. Good luck!!!

In reply to by TheHutch

The embedding technique works well and simply embeds the .mp3 file into a PDF document. This allows it to be played back and shared as a PDF but, of course, there is no sheet music or MIDI.

As for audio conversion to sheet music: I agree that right now the human is the best tool.

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