How do I create two ties in 2 staves (divisi strings) for the same note?

• Sep 10, 2024 - 19:22

I have the problem, that in divisi strings I can create only one tie which shows up in the next bar (on one stave). But I need the tie on both staves on the same note, before the divisi section ends and a single stave follows in the next bar. I simply can´t add a tie for the same note on the second divisi stave. I can´t leave it this way, as it would be 100% a notation mistake (which also shows up in the parts). But I can´t find a solution for this problem.

The same issue is of course vice versa: if a single stave is followed by 2 divisi staves with the same note, then the tie from the single stave shows up only in one of the following divisi staves.

Many thanks to everyone who could help me with this issue.

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Tie problem divisi.png 164.45 KB


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