Slurs and ties after repeat sign and page break look strange

• Sep 16, 2024 - 21:15

I'm working on an orchestral piece and came across what seems like a bug. The ties and slurs in MS 4 look great, but they can look really strange when they cross a repeat sign and page break. I've attached both a screenshot and the file in question. (The screenshot is of the clarinet part in bar 11.) The F at the beginning of the bar should have both a slur and tie going to it from the previous bar; instead, there's a tiny line (or maybe it's a skinny triangle?), and it's not clear what it's meant to be.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 9.09.24 PM.png 97.45 KB
Test File.mscz 42.69 KB

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