Please protect yourself from corrupted scores

• Sep 23, 2024 - 16:50

It is saddening to see the reports of users who have lost hours of work through a corrupted score file. Please fellow MuseScorers, invest a little time in a file versioning strategy and your losses will be minimal.

It is not sufficient to simply save a file diligently when it represents many hours of your time. What if your diligently saved file has an unrecoverable issue?

File issues happen. It's a (hopefully rare) fact of life in the world of computing. A file can become corrupt due to hardware or software failings; it can be accidentally, (or malciously), deleted; you can make changes that you wished you hadn't; computers can die unexpectedly, get lost or even stolen.

It is simply not worth risking hours, (days?, months?), of work by commiting any important file to a single version. This applies to any computer file, not just music scores.

Implement file versioning and backups. It doesn't need to cost you any money, just a small amount of your time.

(You could at least use uploads as a backup for scores, even ones that are not finished. It is not necessary to make your uploads public and you don't need a pro account.)

Here's a short and clear article on file versioning principles:


Bad bot. I refuse to click on any of your links, unless it helps recover crypto coins I've lost. That's all I'm looking for on !

Thanks. Some good ideas.

Personally, I never save to the cloud. Only to my computer. And I never use just SAVE. But rather SAVE AS with a new version number.
After the first session of "Random Tune", I SAVE AS "Random Tune 1". After the second session, "Random Tune 2". As they stack up, earlier versions could be deleted. Or not.

In reply to by bobjp

A good move provided your external drive is not kept close to your computer.

I use the cloud as a backup so, in the unlikely event of needing this backup I would be doubly unlucky if the internet was not available.

All my main folders, (not just MS files), are stored locally and cloud synced. Some of them use file versioning.

In reply to by bobjp

Don't just save to your computer. What if your hard disk has a defect? Then all your "Random Tunes X" will no longer be available!
A backup is always recommended, whether in the cloud (can also be a different one than or on an external drive.
And the chance of my computer being stolen is much smaller than the chance of my hard disk becoming defective! (I have a desktop version ...)

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