Wrong beaming in parts with time signature change, crash on delete and/or undo

• Oct 19, 2014 - 02:06
S2 - Critical

When you create linked parts, sometimes beaming goes wrong, mostly in transposing instruments or piano.

GIT commit: 1efc609

Attachment Size
wrong beaming (part).png 70.5 KB
right beaming (score).png 54.34 KB


Title Wrong beaming in linked parts Wrong beaming in parts with time signature change, crash on delete and/or undo
Status (old) needs info active

The problem here seems to stem from the 4/4 time signasture in measure 9. Not sure why it is there in the first place - the time signature already changed to 4/4 the measure before. If I delete that time signature from the score after generating parts, all is well with the beaming. However, if I undo the deletion of that time signature, MuseScore crashes. That's true whether I do this before or after generating parts. I also get a crash if I try deleting that second 4/4 from a part rather than from the score.

Is there anything special you can tell us about that passage - why there are two 4/4 time signatures there, whether you added them yourself or one appeared afer, say, inserting a measure or something?

Also, was this score created in the same build you reported the problem with, or was it by chance created with an earlier build?

Well, I have created the score on Beta. This is the only version I use at this moment.
There is no reason for the second 4/4. That was a mistake. I only saw the "extra" 4/4 after you noticed me.
After your response I tried delete the second 4/4 and generate parts. Beaming are still wrong. I alto tried delete the second 4/4 after generating parts but musescore crashes.

The beaming only fixes itslef if you delete the time signature *in the score* and do this *after* generating parts.

I'd say your score has become corrupt somehow. So anything you can remember about how that extra time signature got there would be helpful.

I did that but musescore has crashed. In fact, Now I can remember, there was an issue with this file. During a copy/paste operation musescore crashed. After that I tried open the file but I received an error message "cannot read file". I tried open the backup file but musescore failed, reporting unknown file format. So I renamed the backup file with a "mus" extension and musescore could open the file. Probably here is the point.

Thank you!

There is no crash by opening the score with a recent Nightly (October 19, dc48ff5) -> Generate parts -> Remove the 4/4 TimeSig into the score, in measure 9 -> as a result, the beaming is correct in the parts, e.g. "saxofone soprano"

Following this fix: #39801: Wrong beams in parts after TimeSig change (and then using the same Nightly, which works with the parts): https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/commit/a3a54fb541b9a89c9e5da74b4…, I check again that (original) file:


I noticed immediately that the beams works well now (particularly in the "saxofone soprano" part)

- For the measure 9 (I think it was corrupted), I deleted it (Ctrl + Del), insert a new measure, and completely rewrote the measures in the score.

Here it is rectified and saved: rectified SUITE DO ANDREY (MILAGRE).mscz

And with parts created: rectified SUITE DO ANDREY (MILAGRE) parts.mscz

For me, except mistake, everything seems now restored. The parts work, no trace of corruption, beams ok.
So, if further trials prove successful with other users, I propose to close soon this issue?

Status (old) active fixed

The beaming issue is indeed fixed now. I still a crash on undo of deletion of the extra time signature, but that could be because the score is corrupt. I think without steps to reproduce that problem from scratch, it makes sense to close this issue.