• Dec 3, 2024 - 21:25

Okay so I'm glad this is a free trial because I would be pretty irritated at this point if I had paid for a subscription earlier just to realize that once I have the MuseScore app downloaded and installed I can't use one of the features that was on the website, that caught my interest in the first place and convinced me to pay.
Here's the issue:
When viewing a score on the musescore website, I can select to filter scores and only show "Interactive" scores...I'm not sure if that's what this is or not but essentially when I hit the play button (again, whilst viewing the score on the website), I can click this little keyboard icon towards the top of the score and it literally shows which keys/chords are being pressed as the score/song progresses through playback. How conveinent, right? Well...no, because I have searched for about 2 hours now both online through search engines and this forum and also through the app, AND I CANNOT FIGURE OUT HOW TO UTILIZE THE SAME FEATURE WITHIN THE ACTUAL MUSESCORE APP. Is this impossible?? To clarify I've included a screenshot of what I'm talking about; I just want to enable this feature within the app and cannot seem to find it ANYWHERE! I'm slightly discouraged and greatly irritated right now too because I am not the first person to ask this question on this forum and everytime I found another user had posted this question I was disappointed to also find that NO ONE'S PROVIDING THE ANSWER. lol This isn't Google Play Store so I didn't expect to be expected to pay for a service like MuseScore and not have features that inclined me to become a paying subscriber in the first place. Please, anyone, can I get some advice on this???

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Welcome aboard... to the forum here at musescore.org

You wrote:
...I would be pretty irritated at this point if I had paid for a subscription earlier just to realize that once I have the MuseScore app downloaded and installed I can't use one of the features that was on the website, that caught my interest in the first place and convinced me to pay.

The MuseScore app which you downloaded and installed requires neither any payment nor a subscription. It is provided free of charge. It is available to anyone and can be downloaded from musescore.org here:

Any features on the website that caught your interest are just that - features on the website - i.e., features at musescore.com. Those features can always be used by accessing the .com website.
On the other hand, the MuseScore 4 app (called MuseScore Studio), when downloaded and installed locally onto a computer, has a different set of features, none of which you have to pay for.

Regarding a paid subscription...
The "Pro" designation you see next to your name here:
...indicates that you are subscribed to musescore.com. This Pro subscription allows you to download copyrighted music like this:

Non-copyrighted works in the public domain, and some original compositions (where allowed by the composer), are available to download without purchasing a subscription.
For example, see:
...which is available to folk with a free account (as well as to those with a paid subscription).

Info. about .com vs .org can be found here:

More general info. is here;

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