How to compress 4 measures of rest to have just 1 with a 4 above it and not lose measure numbers
How to compress 4 measures of rest to have just 1 with a 4 above it and not lose measure numbers
How to compress 4 measures of rest to have just 1 with a 4 above it and not lose measure numbers
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Range select the measures. Then Ctrl+shift+M
In reply to Range select the measures… by bobjp
There's no need to range select the measures, as the shortcut applies to the entire page/score (in other words, you can't choose at will to display a multimeasure rest in one part of the page/score and not in another).
In reply to There's no need to range… by cadiz1
But you can set the option "Break multimeasure rest" in the measure properties.
In reply to But you can set the option … by HildeK
Indeed, but that's another matter (not the subject of the initial request).
In reply to Indeed, but that's another… by cadiz1
I know this, it was just the reference to your statement "to display a multimeasure rest in one part of the page/score and not in another".
In reply to I know this, it was just the… by HildeK
Indeed, this is the default behavior. Options are another matter.
In reply to I know this, it was just the… by HildeK
For completeness, it is also possible to set the minimum number of consecutive empty bars that will be combined into a multimeasure rest. See Format≥Style>Rests.
And, of course, see…
In reply to Range select the measures… by bobjp
Nonsense, range select does nothing here
Thank you all for your input. Format, Style, highlight rests on the list, on the right side of the page, check the box that says Multimeasure rests.