Changing time signature of one note.

• Nov 22, 2014 - 22:19

Question, how do you do this in Musescore? (Highlighted in red)

Thanks all! :D



In reply to by Shoichi

Well, I don't think that will exactly solve the problem.

The problem is in the music that I'm trying to copy from I think the playing of it changes ever so slightly from what note to the next in timing that it calls for it.

However, I'm not sure exactly why it's written like it is or how to do it exactly.

In reply to by GregTheHun

I definitely recommend reading that whole article on note entry, also watch the tutorial videos on the main page of this site. They explain a lot about how to use MuseScore.

Your second example is indeed just a chord - two notes play at the same time. The article explains how to add chords: type the first note, then hold shift while typing the second. Then do the same for the second chord in your example.

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