Measure deletion bug in 2.0

• Jan 18, 2015 - 07:09

Here's a peculiar little bug that occurs both in 2.0 Beta 2 and nightly build 03dc014:

1) create a new file using the SATB choral template
2) change the initial clef on any staff, for example by dragging a bass clef onto the tenor staff
3) select the first measure (on any staff) and insert a new measure
4) select the new first measure (on any staff) and delete it
5) any staff where you changed the clef has magically reverted to its original clef

I'm running on Windows 7, if that matters.


Yes, it's "by design". I could see it going either way, but it's really quite a toss-up. I mean, you just deleted the only clef the staff has. MuseScore wants to add a clef to take its place, but has a choice to make - should it assume you want to add back the clef you just deleted, or the clef that would normally be there by default? I could see arguments either way depending on your reasons for changing the clef and your reasons for deletign the measure. In any case, it's pretty harmless - just change the clef again.

BTW, in your steps, #3 is not really needed. Any score, change initial clef, delete first measure, clef reverts to the default for the instrument.

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