System text not always placed on parts.

• Jan 30, 2015 - 05:47

I view the System text feature as a way to place instructions on every part without having to place it on each individual line. For things such as rit., a Tempo, poco crescendo, etc. I have used it this way many times, and found that it functions in exactly that way. I was a happy camper.

In my latest work, I placed a rit with System Text in the score (for a concert band arrangement with 20 parts) and followed it up with an a Tempo at the next rehearsal mark. The rit. was 2 measures before the rehearsal mark. All looked good in the score.

When I created the parts, most of the parts had the intended markings. But several of the parts were not playing at that point - they had 6 measures of rest that ended at the rehearsal mark. When I got to their parts, I found the a Tempo after the rehearsal mark, but no rit. prior to it. I believe it is helpful to musicians to understand what is going on even when they are not playing, and would prefer the missing comments were there. No problem, I thought, I can add them in with a regular staff text addition to the individual parts. Nope - does not compute. I had highlighted the 6 measure rest in the part, then selected staff text, and was promptly told "No rest or note selected."

Bottom line - release 1.3 wants to not print system text when multiple measure rests are involved. I realize that at this stage in the game, enhancements to version 1.3 are not forthcoming, and I understand the reasoning. Has this been recognized, though as a limitation, and has it been removed from V2?

And while I'm on that subject, is there a general target date of when we might see a full release of V2?

Thanks, and keep up the great work!


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