Deleting rests for voice and triangle-with-lines question

• Feb 8, 2015 - 05:31


I was playing around w/Implode and Explode to see how they work and was able to produce the following score (see attached png; score also attached).

First question: what are these lines w/triangles on them and what do they mean (they seemed to appear when imploding on the 1st four bars).

Second: the rests in the "Lead" voice ... I can't seem to delete them at all, even though from using the Inspector they seem to be other than Voice 1. Is this to be expected and if so, why?

Am using prerelease for version 2.0.0 (a925ae0) w/Mac OS X 10.7.5


Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2015-02-07 at 9.23.54 PM.png 19 KB
test.mscz 11.61 KB


Hmmm ... further poking ... seems my Implode/Explode playing around made the rests become Voice 1 (I posted incorrectly before). So switching Voice 1 and 2 allows me to modify this. Then I can delete the rests in Voice 2.

In reply to by chen lung

Currently, Shift+L toggles the markers, Shift+I and Shift+O set the "in" and "out" points (begin and end really, but the "in" and "out" terminology comes from a related feature in sequencers, I guess). I know I have more than once accidentally hit Shift+L when I meant to hit Ctrl+L. I kind of wish it was harder to make that mistake.

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