Request special case for select next measure to select to end if in last measure

• Feb 24, 2015 - 21:59
S5 - Suggestion

1. Open attached score (possibly produced in 1.3).
2. Click on first note of bar 2.
3. Hold Shift and Command, then press Right.

Expected result: The selection extends to the end of the line.
Actual result: The selection does not change.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build 3a8fff5 - Mac 10.7.5.

Attachment Size
Selection does not change.mscz 1.84 KB


I was able to reproduce it with your file. If we can't reproduce it with a file created in 2.0, I wouldn't bother about this issue though.

Never mind, I misread the original. Easy enough to reproduce.

Currently, this is by design. Ctrl/Cmd+right isn't the command the go to the end of the current measure; it is the command to go to the *next* measure. But there is no next measure. So Ctrl/Cmd+right can't very go to the next measure, and therefore, adding shift to have it select while it is doing this has nothing to do either.

Could we special case the last measure of a piece and make it go to the end of the measure instead? Sure. But meanwhile, it's consistent. And Shift+Ctrl/Cmd+End works to select to end of score.

Title Selection does not change Request special case for select next measure to select to end if in last measure
Status (old) by design active