Increase palette width

• Mar 9, 2015 - 03:42

The palette default isn't wide enough (content is cut off).

I can't remember, but someone commented on why this might not have been fixed.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build 4978121 - Mac 10.7.5.


If you mean the fact that once scroll bars appear, they take up some of the room, then yes, this is true. And that's basically the issue right there - the palette *is* wide enough to accomodate what is there when it first created. It just isn't wide enough to accomodate things that aren't there yet. I don't know how feasible it would be to trick the system in allocating enough space for the scroll bars.

In reply to by chen lung

Interesting, for me it *is* wide enough, although i guess I haven't done a factory reset lately. On my Windows machine, it's wide enough for the scroll bars too; on my high DPI linux machine, it's wide enough originally but not with the scroll bars. That's with "-x 1.5", which is actually conservative - my actual scaling factor is 1.66.

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