Is there a way to "tap" a rhythm into Musescore? / Hearing chord names played

• Mar 13, 2015 - 18:54

Hello, I was just thinking about this earlier and thought I'd ask about it as I'm not really finding much about it. Is there anyway to use a keyboard (computer spacebar) to tap a rhythm to later edit as a melody? It would be a real time saver, and I am unsure if this is possible. Thank you for the help!

Edit: I figured I'd add this to my post and not create another, but are there any third party plug-ins that can play the chords I use for my score? I realize there is some difficulty in doing this, but it sure would be helpful to have the ability to hear the chords. I use this program as a supplement to Finale when I'm not using a school computer, so it's one feature I definitely miss!


The answer to both of your questions is to use a different program more suited to those specific tasks, and use MuseScore to focus on the notation itself. For instance, you could use a sequencer to record, perhaps edit, and quantize your rhythms, then save as a MIDI file which can then load into MuseScore. The sequencer would provide controls optimzied to real time input; that isn't what MsueScore focuses on. And for playback, if you export your finished score to MusicXML, you can then import into a program that specializes in automatic generation of accompaniment, like Impro-Visor, to hear playback of chord symbols and so forth.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I appreciate your response. I've heard Impro-Visor mentioned, I'll look that up. I admit I'm not really sure how all that sequencing stuff works, but if anyone has words about that I'll surely listen! I thought I'd ask to see, though. It's a fun program to use, and 2.0 is really awesome.

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