Sheet without time Signature?

• Mar 23, 2015 - 17:34


There is a sheet from Frederic mompou (Cancion y danza n2) that on the "song" it doesn't have time signature, how can I write it on musescore? (I attach a little screenshot of the score.)

I've got the sheet, and I wish to translate to musescore to use with ipad musescore reader.


P.D.: Sorry for my bad english, I don't use it for musician things.

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2015-03-23 at 18.32.43.png 143.11 KB


Making the time signature disappear is easy, at least in 2.0 - uncheck the option in Staff Properties. You can also turn off barlines that way. But space will still be allocated around them. To actually produce music without measures, this too is much easier in 2.0 than in 1.3. Create the music in 4/4, then use the join & split commands in Edit / Measure to basically make one measure per system.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Note the precision: "space will still be allocated around them": if no staff displays time signatures or bar lines, the space used by the time signatures or the bar lines themselves is not allocated.

But the settings "Barline to note distance", "Note to barline distance" and "Time signature left margin" are still observed, creating extra blank space around the undisplayed elements.

These settings can be set to 0 with the menu "Style | General", tab "Measure", achieving a very reasonable unmetered display result.

I am speculating if a feature request would make sense to automatically ignore those settings when the corresponding element is not displayed.

In reply to by Miwarre

That would be great.

Or if a note in the handbook explain that these setting can be change to 0 . As I think it is said that there are unusual to change (we could just mention when it can worth it like "except for sheet music without time signature, set x x x to 0)

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