Emmentaler text font spacing - "sfz" and all dynamics including "f"

• Apr 3, 2015 - 01:14
S5 - Suggestion

This is apparently some sort of regression in 2.0, because dynamics like this were just fine in 1.3. The issue is apparently the "f" — it seems like the glyph is somehow shifted sideways, so it now has more space after it and less space before it. This is tolerable in the "ff" dynamic — it's when you get to things like "fp" and "sff" that it looks distorted.

First image is from 2.0, second image is from 1.3.

sfz 2.png

sfz 1.png


I take this is on Mac? It looks fine on my Linux system. Could be an Qt issue with the kerning that affects Mac only. Is it only with Emmentaler text that you see this? How about if you switch to Gonville Text or Brauvra Text in Style / General? You don't have any of these fonts installed on your system, do you?