Midi to Audio using SFZ.

• Apr 9, 2015 - 19:34

Hi All,

Bit of a newbie here so I apologies in advance for my lack of technical know-how. Anyway I am trying to convert midi files into an audio format. I have done this already using a converter and SF2 soundfonts which gave pretty good results. However I came across a GREAT piano sound font but it is in SFZ format. (also comes in Kontakt format) Its from Ivyaudio

Is there a fairly straight forward way I can use this type of sound font to turn midi into audio?

Many thanks in advance,


In theory, you should be able to go to View / Synthesizer, click the Zerberus tab (our name for our SFZ player) and load the soundfont there. However:

1) it's a limited player, only guaranteed to work with the Salamander piano soundfont (which si very good)

2) some people have reported problems getting the sound from Zerberus to export to an audio file. No diea if this is a general problem or specific to certain systems or certain SFZ's.

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