Ties not playing for set duration

• Apr 28, 2015 - 06:28
S4 - Minor
by design

Steps to reproduce bug
1. Open Musescore
2. Create a new score and fill bars with any note at different pitches (must be at least two notes between) except the last note
3. Match the pitch of the first and last notes
4. Tie the first note to the last note
5. Play

Expected: Tied note plays for the duration of the bar
Actual: Tied note only plays for one additional note and then stops

MuseScore version: Tested on 2.0 6e47f74 and on nightly build 166e3c5.

(Operating System: Windows 7)

Attachment Size
Reminiscence.mscz 27.96 KB
Reminiscence.mid 4.01 KB


Status (old) closed by design

Indeed ties only join adjacent notes with the same pitch.
Maybe you want a slur?
Or you want to use voices?