double-digit time signatures/frustrated

• Apr 28, 2015 - 16:32

Please help. I have composed some piano pieces in 12/8 and 6/16 time. When I convert to PDF, the second digit "shoots off" into the measure (see pic). Please help. I can't figure out how to fix that issue. Thanks.

Thanks in advance.
Michael C. Miller

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double digit time sig.jpg 728.37 KB


In reply to by millermic

The picture is there (though for future reference, there are better ways to get a picture from your computer screen than using a camera—for MuseScore specifically, see, and in general, But it's impossible to figure out what's going on without knowing what version of MuseScore you're using (1.3? 2.0?), what operating system (Windows Vista? Zorin 9?), and, most crucially, being able to look at the actual MSCZ file that's producing these results.

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