Problems getting started

• Jun 11, 2010 - 06:48

Very newbie question.

I've got ubuntu 9.10. I pulled musescore from the package manager and got 0.9.4. The application comes up, but no sound. I look in forums and lots of people talk about getting JACK running. I try getting that running, but no luck. "cannot create engine" or "cannot connect to server as client". I look in MuseScore preferences in the I/O tab and have internal synthesizer set. It points to /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2 and the file is there in the directory.

I added myself to user group "audio".

Still no sound.

Can someone point me to a good link to get started and get sound working?

Thanks for any help.


For most users it is best to use the default sound settings instead of worrying about JACK. However you need to upgrade to a more recent version of MuseScore. Either upgrade your version of Ubuntu or see the instructions on the download page of this website for the stable backports.

In reply to by David Bolton

I updated to 0.9.6 (the package manager finally picked it up after I restarted - still have to figure out how that all works...) and it works. Sometimes switching between note and play mode I can't get the play to work. However, terminating and restarting the application usually solves it.

So, I'm running. Now I have to learn how to use it.
Thanks for the help.

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