Can't get started

• Jun 16, 2010 - 01:36

I have watched the tutorial video and tried poking through the .pdf documentation but can't find what I'm missing. Please help - I promise "I'm trying to find the answer myself".

I can't seem to be able to place notes in a measure. I've been able to divide the whole rests in to quarter and eighth note rests - but can't turn those rests in to notes. I suspect this has to do with the fact that I'm writing on percussion scores (single line), but still - even on a single line non-pitched percussion score, there must be a way to place a quarter 'note' or an eight 'note'.

Could someone please point me to where in the documentation this is addressed or provide a brief step-by-step of how to accomplish this?

My apologies for not being familiar with quavers & such.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!



1. Start a new score. I couldn't find a single line drum score so I used the 3 line.
2.Select the 1st rest.
3. Select "N" (entry).
4. Select the duration of the note (eighth, quarter, etc.) from the tool bar menu (if that's what it's called) at the top of the score.
5. Open the drum Pallet.
6. You have a choice: select the corresponding pitch ( C, D, E, etc) on the keyboard OR select the instrument from the drum pallet that you wish to notate. When you select the instrument, the mouse method becomes viable, and as long as you are just entering the same instrument, all you need to do is change the durations to what you want and click with the mouse.


In reply to by David Bolton

Well, kind of. I am now able to post notation to the first staff of the score. When I go to start editing the second staff I get a VB error, but that's beyond this discussion. I have already posted that 'issue' on the other discussion list.

Thanks again Xavier!


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