Copy past chord symbol

• Dec 2, 2008 - 23:15

select chord symbol, Copy chord symbol, select note in different bar, paste:
mScore crashes.

Select 2 chord symbols, copy , select note in different bar, paste:
nothing happens


In reply to by chen lung


No, it doesn't crash. Just nothing happening. I don't know if I am doing it right though.

I do it the same way as in sibelius. Select chord symbol. Command C. select target note, command V.

Also using the right click menu for copying and pasting chord symbols does the same: nothing...


P.S. Awesome software btw. Using Sibelius normally it is not difficult at all beginning in Musescore...I am on the other hand not a power user. Mostly making lead sheets an transcribing solo's.

In reply to by DenHugo

Works for me in 1.2 doing just what you say, except ctrl-C/v since I am on Windows. Do your copy/paste shortcuts work for other elements in MuseScore?

BTW, I only recently found out about this way of copying and pasting chords. It's OK for the occasional chord here and there, but if you are copying entire sections, much better to just copy the whole section. One way to do it is select a region whose chords you want to cut, hit Delete to clear the notes, then Copy, then undo to restore the notes, then click the destination and do Paste.

In reply to by DenHugo

Could be, but let's be sure you are doing the same as me. Here is a screen capture video, where I use the menu for copy and paste so you can see: Also, just to be sure - you have the final 1.2, not one of the prereleases, right? I do recall a bug caught at the last minute. Help/About should report build 5470, assuming PC and Mac build numbers are in sync.

In reply to by DenHugo

Yes, that is true. As I said, the way to do that is by copying the measures themslves, after first temporarily deleting the notes. Or if that makes you nervous, copy to an empty region first before deleting the notes.

I'd need to copy & paste only chord symbols to a stave that already has material. Is this really still not possible in MuseScore?

For example in my case it would be very handy:

I'm working on a pop/rock score with 7 instruments. I've written chord symbols for voice part and would need to paste them also for bass, guitar and piano.

Now, even with your previous tip, I'd need to create extra staves for each of those, delete all the stuff from voice stave, copy the voice part with empty bars, bring back the voice part with "undo", then copy the chord symbols with an empty stave onto a duplicate stave for, say, piano and then copy the piano part to this new stave.

It's amazing to me, if nothing more simple is offered.

Thanks for the good work anyway, this is a great free software.

In reply to by Helinaeh

There is still no ability to control what gets copied and pasted.. But i don't understamd what you mean about needing to create extra staves for each part. All you really need to do is copy a part to some empty space - later on the same score, or in another score, or at most one scratch staff - then delete the notes. You can then copy the contents of each part in one by one, then copy back. It only takes seconda and isn't actually that bad, although indeed, a more stewam
Ined method would certainly be nice someday.

Meanwhile, the, best way to go for future scores you create is to is to enter the chords *first*, then the notes for individual parts.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for your answer, Marc!

Ok... In this particular case I was working on I had 8 different instruments but the same chord symbols, obviously.

I was working on the arrangement as a whole and changing chords and different arrangement ideas as I went. It's a 5.30 minute score now that it's done. I only did the chords first to the voice staff. It would've been impossible for me to create all the chords in the beginning, cause I was working on the piano and Musescore at the same time and I knew the arrangement and chords were going to change. And If I would've tried to write all the chords at once on every staff, I would've also needed to make changes in all of them individually.

So, in the end what I did, was that I created a duplicate voice staff (which was not necessary, but I wanted to be sure I don't mess it up and lose the content of the voice staff) and deleted everything but the chords from one of them. I did also have backup files too.

When you need to copy the chords to, say, five different staffs, it really does matter if you just copy the bars with only chords or if you copy the whole things and then start deleting the extra from all these staffs. (to the other people that replied)

Now that I had the chords copied on the clipboard, it's most convenient to just paste it on all of the other instrument staffs at once, so I created the duplicate instrument staffs for all instruments that needed the chords too. In this kind of score, just selecting one instrument staff from beginning to end is a task. I don't know if there's a shortcut for this. There were instruments like piano or drums that also use a different kind of staff, so I wouldn't have been able to use just one type of extra staff for all the material anyway, right?

But what I also noticed here was that when I copied the whole instrument part and moved it to another staff, all the carefully placed lines, some of the texts and the dynamic marks also did not get copied with the notes. So when I pasted the chords it had to be to the original staff where all this extra information remained.

I think it also made those marks and texts somehow more "unattached" from the notes and bars cause they started to act funny when I brought the material back once more to the original staff. They did not stay in their right place and sometimes when editing, it all was just a big mess, especially when I tried to move the differents parts of the score onto their own sheet. I had to take all 3 horns on the same sheet, otherwise it would've been really confusing or a lot of work editing it all again to look the way it was supposed to.

I found the feature "Copy all similar elements on this stave", which automatically selected all the chord symbols. How come it's not possible to then copy and paste the element you choose?

In reply to by Helinaeh

Copying everything on a staff is done using normal standard OS shortcuts, like click first measure, shift click last. Or on Wmdows, click first, shift ctrl Home to select to end.

As for copying chords, normally drums don't have chords, of course. So yes, one extra staff is all you normally need. i do this pretty regularly. It ends up working pretty smoothly once you have the hang of it. Which isnt I wouldn't love a feature where you can control what gets copied - that's probably #1 on my list of things I'd like to see that isn't already implemented or planned for 2.0. But again, for chords specifically, the workaround is quie straightforward. Copy the source to the scratch staff, then copy the destination to the scratch - which overwrites the notes nut leeps the chords - then copy the scratch staff back to the destination. Other variations are possible, but this is realistically probably only a couple of clicka more than it would take to navigae a dialog that allwed to control what gets copied and what doesn't.

True, dynamics don't copy, but then, they also don't get cleared. So any dynaics entered ln the destination stay in place after performing tjis bit of gymnastics, as I recall. i typically enter chords long before dynamics, so that issue doesn't come up for me. If you're seeing a situation where markings don't stay as they should, feel freew to post a score demonstrating the problem and steps to reproduce it. ,do be sure when you attach markings to your score you really attach those markings to the appropriate notes or measures - don't attach to some random place then attempt to move them into position. That kind of thing never works for long' and it has nothing to do with copy and paste. It's just that manually positioned elements might not make sense any more after *anything* that ales the score layout.

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