[Website] attachments with spaces cause link problems in email

• Jun 28, 2010 - 22:12
S4 - Minor

When someone attaches a file name that includes spaces the subscription email does to link correctly.

Example of current behavior:

| Greetings, David Bolton.
| Your subscription on MuseScore notifies you of new comments
| Title: " Musescore crashed and file will no longer open" by Widmung
| --------------------------------------------------------------------
| New comment
| Title: "The crash is caused by a slur" by lasconic

The crash is caused by a slur between the measure 19 and 20. I don't know
exactly why. I remove it. Open in musescore 0.9.6 and save again.

Attachment Size Smith Responses - SSATB or SAATB.mscz [1] 21.69 KB

[1] http://musescore.org/sites/musescore.org/files/Smith Responses - SSATB or SAATB_0.mscz

Notice that the email program does not auto link the URL correctly because it does recognize that the words after the spaces are part of the URL.

Possible solution (escape the link):

Attachment Size Smith Responses - SSATB or SAATB.mscz [1] 21.69 KB

[1] http://musescore.org/sites/musescore.org/files/Smith%20Responses%20-%20SSATB%20or%20SAATB_0.mscz

Note the URL no longer has any spaces so the auto linking works correctly. (Ignore the three dots at the end of the link and the cropped link. this was done by this website)


Status (old) active fixed

I guess this issue is fixed as I didn't receive any feedback anymore. Feel free to open again if not.