Drumset Score - How to get Snare (A) Stems to go down, like Bass Drum stems.

• Jun 21, 2015 - 20:16

Hello, and apologies if this discussion exists elsewhere, as I was unable to locate the precise issue anywhere.


In drumset notation, I go to the "Edit Drumset" feature. I have changed the default for the "A" shortcut (which is named "Acoustic Snare" and appears on the "A" barline) from stem up to stem down, and saved. Visually in the shortcut view panel at the bottom, the A shortcut now properly reflects the stem change. However, when I begin to input notes, it continues to input the note with stem up. To be sure, I have tried it a series of different ways, but it seems there is some default in the software overriding the change I have made (for comparison, when you hit the "B" shortcut, the bass drum notation is always clearly split from the top, producing its own subsequent rests to fill out the measure. This simply does not happen with the snare line, with the way I've made the change).

A further complication is here: I will often return to the "Edit Drumset" option and re-edit the A shortcut, and have discovered that, on its own, it has reverted to stem up. Oddly, this will be so, even though the shortcut image in the view panel of the main screen still shows stem down.

Yet another bizarre inflection of the problem: If I first lay down a bass note, and then the snare on the same section of the bar (by typing "B" then "Shift + A"), the stem down for the snare line will appear. In no other instance can I get the downward stem to appear, however.

Again, my apologies if this problem is addressed elsewhere; I simply failed to find the proper forum discussion. To reference a visual image showing what I am looking to create, search for a page in the "Drummer's Cookbook" (MelBay). Thanks in advance for any assistance in finding a solution to my issue.

MAC OS X 10.10.3

MS 2.0.1

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2015-06-21 at 1.08.15 PM.png 241.17 KB


I just discovered a new aspect to the situation. If I shut off Note Input mode and go to the precise note I want to input (say, the quarter-note rest on the 3-count) and type "A", the stem will appear downward correctly. But I have to continue shutting off Note Input mode to continue to get the effect.

We'd also need you to attach the score (the actual MSCZ) file, and it would help if you could give precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem once we have loaded your score.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Okay, good news and sorry for the trouble.

After tinkering around over the last day, I finally came to understand that the issue is completely related to the voices.

As soon as I set all down stems to Voice 2 and all up stems to Voice 1, it solves the problem. It is likely my fault to have missed that detail in the tutorial.

I'll still investigate to see if there is any bugginess to it, but I think that was really the only issue, as the software is now doing exactly what I was trying to accomplish.

Thanks for your time!

In reply to by Lucas Ventura

Good to hear! For the record, when entering notes via keyboard shortcut, the voice and stem directly *should* be set automatically according to your drumset definition. And same when entering notes by double clicking the palette icon. But when entering notes by clicking the palette icon and then clicking in the score, the voice will be set according to whatever voice you have selected in the toolbar, so it is possible to override the drum set definition that way. Still, the stem direction specified in the drum set definition should be used if not "auto".

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